Mass Schedule:
Sat – 4:30 pm
Sun – 9:00 am & 11:30 am
Mon – No Service
Tues – 5:00 pm
Wed thru Fri – 7:30 am
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Sunday Mass

Bishop of Peoria
The bishop has called Evangelization, the Eucharist, Discipleship, Vocations, and Archbishop Fulton Sheen as foundations to build upon in the coming years.
Fr. Charles explanation of the Five Foundations
Mission Statement
We, the people of St. Anthony Catholic church, with the pastor, acknowledge God’s Kingdom on earth as revealed by the teachings of Jesus Christ. We are called to build God’s Kingdom by our example of communal worship and love of one another and by our awareness of service to all God’s people.
In very humble beginnings, in the theater of the former Bartonville State Hospital, a group of Catholic families began to worship together, forming the community that is today St. Anthony Catholic Church. That was in 1969. Today, set on a beautifully landscaped ten-acre campus, are the facilities that the parishioners of St. Anthony Church use to help in living out the Lord’s mandate to make the kingdom of God known to all people.
It is our privilege to be a part of the Bartonville community. We together live, serve, worship and proclaim the faith that God has given us. We continue to build on the foundations laid by the early members of the community and invite current and future parishioners to join in our quest to be Sprit-filled.
Parish Staff
Pastor: Fr. Charles Klamut
Deacon: Tom Mueller
Deacon Emeritus: Lou Tomlianovich
Pastoral Assistant: John Darling
Director of Religious Education: Karen Campbell
Director of Liturgical Music: Mary Anne Fahey-Darling
Housekeeping: Faith Romanus
Parish Trustees: Lynne Kelch & Dan Hordesky
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Ways to Give
Online giving is now available at St. Anthony Church!
- Text GIVE to 309.332.1100
- Give online, using the button below.
- Click the Giving Icon on MyParish APP
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