55+ Club

The 55+ Club is a group that welcomes all aged 55+ as members. It is an organization that provides food, fellowship and the love of God to all.
We meet on the third Monday of the month at St. Antony’s Parish Center. Exceptions to the date may occur due to events at St. Anthony’s.
Dues are $10 for the year due in January.
Our get-together includes: pledge to the flag, a potluck meal with meat provided by various members, 50/50, door prizes and bingo.
Money raised through dues and 50/50 support many things, as the budget allows: Mass for deceased members; donations to St. Anthony’s, Sophia’s Kitchen and South Side Mission; and coats and hats for Pleasant Hill School.
President: Bill Purcell
Thank you for your interest in our organization. For more information, please contact us.