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Finance Council

A properly functioning parish finance council is integral to good parish financial governance, is required by Canon law and is a key element of a parish internal control system.

The Finance Council consists of the two lay trustees of each parish corporation as ex-officio members and several other parishioners. The Pastor serves as Chair.

The Finance Council is an advisory group to the pastor regarding all financial matters and whose principal function is to promote adequate parish revenue. The council meets quarterly to review the financial status of the parish, reviews the annual financial report of the parish to the Chancery and reports on this to the parish. Also, the council prepares an annual budget covering all projected expenditures, including a separate capital improvement budget.

Finance Council: Fr. Charles Klamut (Chair), Dan Hordesky (Trustee), Lynne Kelch (Trustee), Les Hedgespeth, Jared Woiwode.