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Becoming Catholic – OCIA

Want to Become Catholic?

Our Lord said to ‘Go and make disciples!’ as he prepared to ascend to His Father in heaven and send the Holy Spirit down on his church.

St Anthony is eager to fulfill Jesus’ command to make disciples. If you are interested in becoming Catholic, or just learning more about the Catholic faith, please contact the pastor for a meeting. He will be happy to talk with you about where you are on your spiritual journey and assist you in moving forward!

Most commonly, this means undertaking a season of weekly instructions that runs from September through March. It’s called ‘OCIA,’ an acronym meaning ‘Order of Christian Initiation for Adults.’

Led by the pastor, this instruction follows the ‘Symbolon’ series, a sixteen-episode set of video lessons on the basics of the Catholic faith. A workbook is provided as well as a ‘YouCat’ catechism which summarizes the Catholic faith in a readable, engaging style.

During this time of formation, candidates will be taught and encouraged to prayerfully discern God’s will for their lives.

The Catholic church emphasizes both faith and reason, and is deeply respectful of each person’s freedom. Questions are encouraged within an atmosphere of respect and honor, so that the final decision to become Catholic is made with understanding and conviction. We will never pressure or coerce anyone into accepting the Catholic faith, but rather propose it with clarity and love so each person can make a fully intentional choice for him or herself when the time comes.

Candidates are typically received into the Catholic church annually at the Easter Vigil liturgy, a beautiful solemn mass in honor of our Lord’s Resurrection that takes place the evening before Easter Sunday.

For more information or if you have questions, please contact us.