Growing in Faith
Growing in faith is an ongoing journey that involves deepening our relationship with God and our spiritual life.
It requires dedication and trust in God’s guidance.
Becoming Catholic (OCIA)
St Anthony is eager to fulfill Jesus’ command to make disciples. If you are interested in becoming Catholic or just learning more about the Catholic faith, the pastor will be happy to talk with you about where you are on your spiritual journey and assist you in moving forward.
Children's Faith Formation
St. Anthony Catholic Church is committed to assisting families in fostering their knowledge and understanding of who God is in their lives and in the lives of their children. We seek experiences which will encourage us to continue to grow, to share, and to witness our faith in God.
Youth Group
Our youth group is open to any student in MIDDLE or HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 5-12). There is no cost to participate.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a 20 + year tradition at St. Anthony’s. Each year a new and exciting theme helps campers ages 3 years – 6th grade to learn about God, hear God’s Word in the Scriptures and celebrate God’s love for each and every one of us.
Our theme for 2025 is True North – Trusting God in a Wild World.
Adult Faith Formation
Learning to be a follower of Jesus is never ending. The process of conversion, putting on the Lord Jesus, continues as long as we live. St Anthony Parish offers Adult Education and Formation through various program offerings throughout the year.
Men's Group
Join the pastor, deacon, and men of the parish for fellowship and faith sharing. Sessions meet in the parish house (enter through the garage).
Meets the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month.
7:00 – 8:30am
As Catholics, one of the ways that we spend time with the Lord and gaze upon God’s beauty is through the practice of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Catholic Diocese of Peoria Area Cursillo
The Peoria Cursillo, sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Peoria, is primarily a lay movement. It is an instrument of renewal by which Christianity can permeate, live and grow in today’s world.
Knights of Columbus
St. Jude Council #4333 is a Catholic Fraternal men’s organization working in solidarity with our Catholic Priests and supporting our parishes.