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Giving Tree

Giving Tree

“For whatever you do for the least of My brothers that you do unto Me.”

Every year St. Anthony parishioners have an opportunity to support Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Peoria through a Giving Tree. A few weeks prior to the start of Advent, you will see a Christmas tree with paper ornaments in the church gathering space. Each ornament represents a gift, such as a board game, doll, puzzle, ball, clothing or gift card. Simply take an ornament off the tree, purchase the item, and leave it under the tree. Catholic Charities collects the gifts and distributes them to the needy in the Peoria Dicoese. You can bring joy to a child by giving them a new toy or help keep an adult warm with new gloves.

Information will be in the parish bulletin, on the myParish app and on social media.

About Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Peoria is a ministry inspired by Christ’s love and care, committed to serve Christ’s Mystical Body by upholding the dignity of each person and serving each individual as we would serve Christ Himself, advocating for a just and compassionate society according to our Catholic Social Teachings of the Church; and encouraging others to join us in fulfilling our mission.