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Music Ministries

Music Ministries

Come join us in making “Joyful noise unto the Lord” with the St. Anthony Sunday Morning Choir, the Resurrection Choir and the St. Anthony Camerata Chorale Festival Choir for the Diocese of Peoria! All choirs are led by Mary Ann Fahey-Darling, Director of Liturgical Music.

St. Anthony Sunday Morning Choir sings for the 9:00am Mass each week, except for July and August. Rehearsal is at 8:00 a.m. each Sunday, with an occasional weeknight rehearsal during the Advent/Christmas, Lent/Easter seasons.

The Resurrection Choir has a ministry to sing for funerals held at St. Anthony’s, comforting those who mourn with the gift of song. When the schedule allows, a brief rehearsal is held the morning of the funeral.

The St. Anthony Camerata Chorale was founded in 2015 with a mission “to proclaim the Word of God through performance of all genres of sacred and secular choral music as an art form.” The Chorale includes singers and instrumentalists from all walks of life and faith backgrounds. We are dedicated to serving the hungry and homeless through sharing proceeds from our annual concerts. Our Festival Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings in the choir area at St. Anthony’s.

We would so love to have you join your voice with ours for any or all our choirs. No auditions are required.

For more information about this ministry, please contact us.