If you would like more information or have questions, please click on the button below and complete the form. Someone from the parish will get back to you.
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Corinthians 9:7
Financial Support
Giving demonstrates love for God and a commitment to your church community. When you give to your church you are contributing to God’s saving work. While financial contributions are essential for operational costs, they also support the church’s ministries, activities and service to its congregation and the community at large.
If you are not currently registered with the Parish Office, we encourage you to do so. This allows us to provide you with a donation record for tax purposes, upon request. (link to Join Us/Register here)
- Weekly Offering – Supports the operational expenses of the church.
- Holy Day Offering – Supports the operational expenses of the church. This is the collection on Holy Days such as Solemnity of All Saints and Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
- Capital Improvement/Building Fund – Supports the maintenance and improvement of the buildings and grounds to ensure they remain vibrant and functional spaces for worship, fellowship and community outreach.
- Flowers (Christmas and Easter) – Supports the cost of flowers and decorations for the church during Advent and Lent.
- Christmas Offering – Giving at Christmas is a time to remember God’s gift to us, his son.
- Memorial Donations – Made in memory of a deceased loved one, they are a meaningful way to remember and celebrate the life of someone special. These donations can support various church programs, ministries or specific projects that were important to the deceased or their family.
- Other – You are welcome to support other programs and ministries at St. Anthony such as Religious Education, Vacation Bible School, Music Ministry, and the Funeral Luncheon Ministry.
Diocesan-Wide Collections
- Aid to Eastern European Churches
- Catholic Relief Services
- Holy Land
- Peter’s Pence
- Mission Sunday
- Campaign for Human Development
- Bishop Seminarian Appeal
- Retirement Fund for Religious
Ways to Give
There are several ways in which to provide your financial support. You may place a church supplied envelope with a check or cash in the collection basket, mail a check to the parish office, have your bank or financial institution automatically send a check to the parish office, text to give, or give online directly from your bank account or a credit/debit card (see E-Giving below).
Endowments and bequests from an individual’s will or estate plan can help ensure long-term financial health and stability of the church. If you are interested in creating an endowment or naming St. Anthony Catholic Church in your will, please speak with your financial planner or lawyer.
Text to Give
Text GIVE to 309.332.1100
E Giving
The secure online giving platform, used across the diocese, provides an easy and flexible way to give. You may make a ‘one time gift’ or set up a recurring gift, choosing the frequency and where to designate your gift. With online access your donation records are available at any time. Click on the Donate button to be directed to our online giving platform.
E-Giving FAQs
Is my giving information secure?
Absolutely. Personal and financial information you enter is encrypted using SSL security – the same security measures used by online retailers, banks, and other financial institutions.
What Payment Methods do you Accept?
We accept donations from credit/debit cards as well as your bank account (our recommendation). While we’re happy to accept your donation by any means, donations that come directly from your bank account cost the parish significantly less, allowing more of your gift to be used for its intended purpose.
Do I need to Create an Account?
No. That said, we do recommend creating one so that you can view your online giving history. You will be asked to create an account if you’d like to set up recurring donations.
Is there a minimum or maximum I can give online?
No. However, for very large gifts we recommend you contact the Parish Office to ensure your gift is processed in a timely fashion. (Our internal giving security can flag large donations for security reasons).
Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA)
The Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA) is the major source of revenue for the ministries and agencies of the Diocese of Peoria. It is these ministries that enable the Church of Peoria, under the direction of the bishop, to reach across parish boundaries in the areas of Worship/Prayer, Christian Education, Christian Service and Church Administration, among others.
Each year the Diocese sets a monetary goal for each parish, which is attained through parishioners’ donations. At St. Anthony parish we set our own goal, taking into consideration the Diocesan goal and parish needs. Any monies raised above the Diocesan goal are returned to us to use as we see fit, usually for large projects. Our rebate from the most recent campaign is designated for the Parish Center covered entrance. Previous projects completed with ADA rebates include the purchase of a gas generator for the rectory, fire doors for the Parish Center and remodeling of the rectory and Pavilion building.
Please consider supporting the ADA through prayer and your financial donation. For more information visit theDiocese of Peoria website.