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Veterans Day Celebration

St Anthony Veterans Day Celebration

“They gave their todays—for our tomorrows.’’

Purpose: To thank, honor and recognize all St. Anthony Veterans and Active-Duty Personnel

When: This celebration is held the second Sunday in November during the 9:00 A.M. Mass followed by breakfast in the Parish Center.

Contact: Linda Leifeld

If you are a new parish member or were not recognized previously, please contact Linda Leifeld so you can be included in the future.  We want to thank, honor and recognize all our Veterans and Active-Duty members.

How You Can Help

  • REACH OUT: We want to include everyone who is a veteran or active-duty military so if you know a new parish member, ask them if they served or are currently serving.
  • WRITE CARDS: Make or purchase cards for our veterans and current military personnel to thank them and recognize their service to our country. Write a personal message in each card, being sure to sign your name. Please do not make the cards out to individual veterans so distribution easier. It is helpful if the sender puts their name or initials in the upper left-hand corner of the envelope, so the veteran doesn’t get more than one card from the same person. The cards will be given to the vets and active- duty personnel during the Veterans Day Celebration and sent to those who could not attend.
  • CONTRIBUTE TO BREAKFAST: The breakfast is made possible through the generosity of our parishioners. Requests for needed food items will be made closer to the Veterans Celebration. Monetary donations are also accepted. Help with set-up, serving and clean-up is always welcome.
  • ATTEND: Show your appreciation by coming to Mass and breakfast. All are welcome!

Information about the Veterans Celebration will be in the parish bulletin in early September through October. Please make sure to pick up a bulletin or access it on myParishApp.